In 2012, the Cognition And Emotion Journal published an interesting study on facial features. The research showed that you make your decision to trust someone within 100 milliseconds of seeing their face.
Your image online becomes the first interaction with clients/customers and your business.
Professional head shots are an effective way to build trust and familiarity between you and your clients/customers.
Your head shots can then be reused in a number of ways like social media, websites, or even printed media like brochures and flyers.
We have been booking more team photo profile shots than ever before and it is an area we proudly specialise in here at Raw Lens.
From lawyers and electricians to music producers – we work closely with each client and really listen so we can communicate their story and the essence of their brand through beautiful and professional imagery.
You can view some examples of head shots we have taken of some of our amazing clients below.