I hope you’re having an awesome start to the year and are making progress on some of your goals.
At the start of this year I set myself the challenge of starting a YouTube Channel.
Starting a YouTube channel is one thing, Adding 5-10minutes of content to it on a consistent and regular basis is another!
Nonetheless I’m proud to say we’re still on track and have posted our 4th Episode!
“How to Shoot an Interview Outdoors”
In this episode we take you behind the scenes on a shoot at USC where I run through the basics of filming an interview outdoors.
I’ve filmed hundreds of interviews over the years and I genuinely love the opportunity to sit down and capture someone’s story. What I’ve learnt is that there are a few key components to making sure you come away with a great interview.
1. Make the person feel comfortable
2. Choose the right location
3. Choose the right camera lens
4. Capture quality audio
5. Support the interview with relevant B-Roll
I go through all these points and more in my 4th Episode below
Have a watch and I’d love to know what you think.

Meet our newest team member!
Hi everyone! We’re thrilled to announce that Sam Hart has joined the Raw Lens team as our new Creative Producer,