Are you suffering from Scopophobia?
What on earth is that? I hear you ask..
Scopophobia can be defined by a fear of having your photo taken, or being filmed and watched.
As humans we are innately wired to kick into fight or flight mode when we are being watched as our body believes the “watcher” to be a potential predator and it triggers a feeling of vulnerability.
If you are still reading, I’m assuming that you – like myself and so many others, feel uncomfortable in front of a lens.
Don’t worry, it is completely normal and actually a primal response.
Back in the Neanderthal days it might have been considered as a lifesaving skill!
However in our current day and age with the drastic increase of demand in video and photo marketing, adapting some skills to feel confident and cool as a cucumber in front of the camera will be extremely advantageous in your next marketing campaign.
Today I would like to share with you some quick tips that will equip you with basic tools to help you stay calm, confident and focused in front of the lens.
Relax your shoulders & take 3 deep breaths
Deep breaths from your stomach send a message to your brain and nervous system to relieve anxiety, promote a state of calmness and improve your attention span and alertness.
Don’t take yourself too seriously
Remember, you are human! Embrace your vulnerability. Audiences will find it relatable.
Remember to take it slow
When people are nervous in front of a lens they tend to speed up their speech.
Relax and aim to speak a little slower than normal.
Talk to yourself
Speak to yourself in the car, or wherever you feel comfortable to do so. The more you hear yourself speak without any interruption or input will enable you to feel more natural when you speak in front of the camera.
When shooting someone else
Ask them a question about something they might be passionate about to help loosen them up before rolling. The team at Raw Lens uses this tool. A favourite question we like to ask clients before rolling is “what is your favourite holiday destination?”.
I hope this helps you or someone you know in getting more comfortable in front of the lens.
To your success,

Meet our newest team member!
Hi everyone! We’re thrilled to announce that Sam Hart has joined the Raw Lens team as our new Creative Producer,